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Tag: Artificial Intelligence

Could Robotic Models help the fashion industry to be more inclusive of different body types?

Could Robotic Models help the fashion industry to be more inclusive of different body types?

Could morphing robots be the future of body positive fashion? Perhaps it could help women to embrace their natural shape and looks rather than succumbing to the idea that they need to be thin to be fashionable and beautiful… or it could cause outrage, another industry de-humanised and taken over by robotics. What do you think?

– H.F.G.



Improve Your Odds! What If That Goal Wasn’t Just a Pipe Dream Anymore?

Improve Your Odds! What If That Goal Wasn’t Just a Pipe Dream Anymore?






Does the uncertainty of the future keep you from taking steps towards achieving your dreams? What if you had a tool that told you the statistical likelihood of your dreams becoming reality and gave you tips, ideas and actions you could take to improve those odds? Would it help you get started, or could it keep you motivated during frustrating moments?

Or would knowing that the odds are against you stop you from starting, leading you to fall into a funk and give up entirely? Or, alternatively, what if your goals weren’t all that noble, would it still help you anyway?

Maybe there is something to be said for uncertainty.

– H.F.G.



And You Thought It Was Gone… Imagine if Artificial Intelligence Learned From all the Things we Deleted From the Internet

And You Thought It Was Gone… Imagine if Artificial Intelligence Learned From all the Things we Deleted From the Internet

There’s a lot of information out there…

There's lots to look at online...

the Internet is filled with people’s ideas, artistic creations, random blabbing, scientific information and so much more. But do you ever think about all the things that we delete from the Internet? Not just the things we post and then regret, but all the things we type and never send, the posts we never publish and the ideas we never share.

What would have you reaching for the delete button?

Imagine if all these things that have been ‘erased’ were cultivated and used as learning fodder for an Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is hard to represent in physical form

Those clever quips and witty retorts that never received an audience, the poems, love notes, angry emails, misguided selfies, fun anecdotes and interesting stories that you believed had been deleted for good, all brought together to form an artificial ‘personality’.

All the things you wrote but never sent, posted and then regretted

It isn’t unreasonable to think that an AI that has learned from our vulnerable and emotional moments might end up being a little unreliable (and a poor speller to boot). And you thought Tay was bad…

Machines that have learned from us at our most impulsive and vulnerable might want to watch the world burn

This AI would be lovelorn, prone to angry outbursts and risque behaviour. The embodiment of all our most impulsive and basic instincts.

making Artificial Intelligence like man... could it be a mistake

It makes you wonder whether AI should be, like Bina48, an attempt to recreate human intelligence, or if it should be something else entirely…
